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GSG will provide a full Retail Market Study for the subject area that is customizable to meet the needs of our clients. This Market Study provides a demographic and economic overview of the subject area to determine the overall potential for the expansion of an existing project or a new greenfield retail development. The final report is designed to assist communities/developers in attracting retailers, restaurants and other service businesses to the subject area. In addition, the final report is intended to identify business types, opportunities and in some cases specific retailers, restaurants and service businesses that may be inclined to consider investment in the subject area.


GSG will analyze market conditions, economic and demographic factors, and site conditions to determine their impact on the proposed retail development project. GSG will conduct an extensive retail analysis of the subject area including the 15 minute and 20 minute drive times. The analysis will focus on several areas including demographic findings, community survey findings and taxable retail sales findings. GSG will provide an in depth analysis of the area’s population, employment, income, housing, commuting patterns, traffic counts, trade area and actual/potential sales dollars for various retail segments.



The GSG Retail Market Study provides a comprehensive analysis and survey of the retail market conditions in the subject area. While GSG will customize the scope of the Retail Market Study to reflect the individual needs of our clients, a typical Retail Market Study will include the following:


  • Executive Summary

  • Demographic Profile

  • Trade Area & Site Evaluation

  • Market Forces & Local Views/Needs

  • Targeted Retailers, Restaurants & Service Businesses

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